API Docs
Welcome to the Bitcorns API (v1). For support or to report errors, please email: [email protected]. It's important to note that the data provided by these endpoints are specific to the Bitcorn Crops game and may show less data than the Counterparty API.
NPM Package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/bitcorns-api
List Farms
GET /api/farms
Lists all of the farms ever made and whether or not they have access.
Note: A farm without CROPS is considered a "no cropper".
Show Farm
GET /api/farms/{farm}
Show different kinds of data about the given farm.
Note: This route is subject to frequent change.
List Coops
GET /api/coops
Lists all of the coops and the links to them on Bitcorns.com.
Note: It's possible a coop lists here may have no members.
Show Coop
GET /api/coops/{coop}
Show the resources and members of a given farming cooperative.
Note: This route is subject to frequent change.
List Cards
GET /api/cards
Lists all of the approved and published Bitcorn cards with their images and issuance data.
Note: All of the cards returned on this list are non-divisible and locked.
Show Card
GET /api/cards/{card}
Show data specific to a given card, especially the farms owning that card.
Note: The "holders" are those addresses that own/have owned CROPS.
List Tokens
GET /api/tokens
Lists all tokens used in the Bitcorn Crops game and their basic issuance data.
Note: BITCORN supply here excludes unharvested and burned bitcorn.
Show Token
GET /api/tokens/{token}.json
Show enhanced asset description for the given token in Counterparty protcol format.
Note: Can be used by any in-game upgrade creator in their asset description.