Bitcorn Farm #550

"You can make a small fortune in farming-provided you start with a large one." - unknown

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Farm Deed #550

Bitcorn Farm #550 was established Sep 21, 2021 by a CROPS mpma send.

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Wins: 0 - Losses: 0

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Name Description Unlocked
Salt of the Earth A new farm was establshed! And today, the sun shone a little brighter. Sep 21, 2021
Name Description Progress
Achiever of Achievements Achieved 10+ Achievements. Well done! 10%
Battle Tested I remember my first battle. A win is a win! 0%
Battle Champion Other farms tremble at the mere mention of your name. 0%
Battle Hardened Can you feel the momentum building? You could be a champion! 0%
Battle Legend Simply a legend. Take a bow! 0%