Bitcorn Crops
Bitcorns is an idle game of accumulation, similar to AdVenture Capitalist, where the only objective is to accumulate the most BITCORN. Deceptively simple, accumulating BITCORN takes an amount of CROPS most people do not possess.
Featured Farms
Featured Cards
How to Play

The object of the BITCORN CROPS game is to become the wealthiest player through harvesting and collecting BITCORN. The player who collects the most bitcorn at the end of the game wins.
By owning CROPS, players establish their Bitcoin addresses as farms on With a farm, players can harvest crops for a bitcorn reward.
Between harvests, players can customize their farm's look, location, and in-game assets, immersing themselves in the Bitcorn world. It's even possible to join forces!
Establish a Farm
Basic Access
Sold Out
- 0.001 CROPS
Receive an amount of CROPS sufficient to establish a farm and gain access to basic features, like updating farm names, locations, and descriptions.
More InfoUpload Access
Sold Out
- 0.01 CROPS
Receive an amount of CROPS sufficient to establish a farm and gain access to basic features, in addition to the ability to upload custom farm art.
More InfoXCP DEX
500 XCP
- 1 CROPS = 500 XCP
Other amounts may be available on the Counterparty DEX or directly from other members of the community. The last trade on occurred at a strike price of 500 XCP.
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